Financial Advisor news and trends

What Payroll Innovation Says About Accountants’ Shifting Role
B2B Payments // April 19, 2019

The shifting role of small business (SMB) accountants is largely driven by the increase in automated solutions available to business owners today. With machines now taking care of repetitive financial tasks, accountants have had to readjust their position from number-cruncher to value-adder to remain relevant....

Small Businesses At The Center Of Bots Vs Accountants
B2B Payments // January 09, 2019

Behind many shifting trends in small business (SMB) financial services — the rise of FinTech service providers, the emergence of artificial intelligence (AI), even regulatory efforts to promote bank switching — is a growing realization for the industry: Business owners don’t just want number crunchers...

How Accountants-Turned-Advisors Can Manage The FinTech Deluge
B2B Payments // December 18, 2018

Technology may be enabling automation in small business (SMB) accounting and financial management, but rather than cutting out the need for human accountants in the field, this tech disruption is supporting a change in the profession. Instead of number-crunching, accountants — like other financial services...

Intuit’s Mint Updates iOS App With Data-Driven Insights
Consumer Finance // August 27, 2018

To offer users actionable advice, Intuit’s Mint is updating its personal finance iOS Mint app with added benefits, new design features and data-driven MintSights™. The MintSights feature seeks to help users budget accurately, spend wisely and save, Mint said in an announcement. “We’ve heard from...

Quick Reads
Intuit’s Mint Updates iOS App With Data-Driven Insights

August 27, 2018
To offer users actionable advice, Intuit’s Mint is updating its personal finance iOS Mint app with added benefits, new design features and data-driven MintSights™. The MintSights feature seeks to help users budget accurately, spend wisely and save, Mint said in an announcement. “We’ve heard from users for years that they wished for an easier way […]

Amazon And Fidelity Labs Launch VR Financial Advisor

May 16, 2018
Amazon and Fidelity Labs have teamed up to create a digital financial advisor that people can interact with using a virtual reality headset. According to Fortune, the demonstration on Tuesday...