Financial Data Exchange news and trends

Financial Data Exchange: 28 Million US Consumers Now Use Its API for Open Banking Data Sharing

January 26, 2022
Mastercard, Finicity and Standardizing Open Banking’s Data Flow
Mastercard // June 24, 2020

While open banking is gaining traction in Europe (by regulatory mandate) and is making inroads to the U.S. (through free market competition), on these shores the strategy of getting there seems to be settled in favor of acquisitions. Specifically, payments giants are buying up data...

Interviews & Exclusives
Mastercard, Finicity and Standardizing Open Banking’s Data Flow

June 24, 2020
While open banking is gaining traction in Europe (by regulatory mandate) and is making inroads to the U.S. (through free market competition), on these shores the strategy of getting there seems to be settled in favor of acquisitions. Specifically, payments giants are buying up data aggregators, which let consumers share data with thousands of apps […]

Quick Reads
Financial Data Exchange: 28 Million US Consumers Now Use Its API for Open Banking Data...

January 26, 2022
FDX has reported 28 million consumer accounts now using its FDX API for open finance and open banking data sharing, a press release says. The group says more than a million new accounts have been transitioned to the API per month. In addition, FDX reports that the API calls increased to over 2.2 billion per […]