Financial Stressors news and trends

NEW DATA: US Consumers Face Emergency Expenses 3.5x Larger Than Fed Estimates
Consumer Finance // August 29, 2022

In May 2022, the Federal Reserve released the Economic Well-Being of U.S. Households in 2021, the latest edition of an annual report often used in measuring financial health. Since 2013, these reports have tracked consumers’ stated ability to afford a theoretical $400 emergency expense. While...

Inflation Bites as 13% of US Consumers Spent More Than They Earned in Last Six...
Consumer Finance // August 01, 2022

As inflation continues its upward swing, consumers worldwide are finding it more difficult to manage spending and put aside savings under mounting financial pressures. In June 2022, 61% of United States consumers were living paycheck to paycheck, a 5.5 percentage-point increase from June 2021. We...

NEW DATA: Two-Thirds of Paycheck-to-Paycheck Consumers Faced Financial Disruption in Last 36 Months
Consumer Finance // June 27, 2022

Consumers hailing from all income brackets are feeling mounting pressure from rising inflation and economic uncertainty. PYMNTS’ research finds that 58% of United States consumers lived paycheck to paycheck in May 2022, a four percentage-point increase from May 2021. Slightly less than one in three...

Nearly Half of High-Income Earners Now Live Paycheck to Paycheck
Consumer Finance // March 03, 2022

As the pandemic continued to weigh on the economy in the early months of 2022, the United States government reported that in­flation climbed to 7.5% in the past 12 months. These factors are making it harder for consumers in all income brackets to make ends...

Interviews & Exclusives
NEW DATA: Two-Thirds of Paycheck-to-Paycheck Consumers Faced Financial Disruption in Last 36 Months

June 27, 2022
Consumers hailing from all income brackets are feeling mounting pressure from rising inflation and economic uncertainty. PYMNTS’ research finds that 58% of United States consumers lived paycheck to paycheck in May 2022, a four percentage-point increase from May 2021. Slightly less than one in three consumers who earned $250,000 or more annually reported living paycheck […]