Fintech Apps news and trends

British Airways Data Hack A Test Case For GDPR
Regulation // September 10, 2018

GDPR compliance has yet to be fully embraced by firms on a global scale, yet headlines from this past week show just what the repercussions might be against a new regulatory landscape. As noted late last week, a data breach at British Airways was revealed...

The Gamification Of Savings
Fintech Investments // May 11, 2016

Getting millennials to embrace “traditional” financial services isn’t easy, particularly as a new crop of FinTech innovators has met more than halfway with apps that offer traditional financial services and transacting in an environment that they are most familiar with – digital and not physical...

Quick Reads
American Express and Plaid Streamline Onboarding for FinTech Apps

June 08, 2023
American Express and Plaid have partnered to make it easier for customers to use FinTech apps. With their new customer-permissioned data sharing agreement, which is to launch this year, American Express customers will be able to connect to any of more than 8,000 apps and services powered by Plaid without having to share their American Express password with […]