Firewalls news and trends

The Threat Intelligence Gateway Waging War On 100M Threat Vectors
Security & Fraud // August 28, 2018

Firewalls, from the biggest to the smallest, are under assault all day, every day from the staggering number of cybersecurity threats floating around the digital sphere — a fact that probably doesn’t come as much of a shock to most people at this point. The “good”...

Don’t Bite The Phish Hook
Security & Fraud // August 23, 2017

You there, corporate decision-maker. Are you ready to respond to a cyber threat? How confident do you feel in your ability to handle and mitigate the situation? If the answer is “not very,” you’re in good company. Recent research by San Francisco-based cyber security company...

US Tech Companies Are Turning Over Source Code To Access Russian Market
Security & Fraud // June 26, 2017

In international news this week, Cisco, IBM and SAP are reportedly agreeing to demands by the government of Russia to provide access to secrets about their products at a time when the country has been accused of cyberattacks targeted at Western countries, reported Reuters. According...

Interviews & Exclusives
The Threat Intelligence Gateway Waging War On 100M Threat Vectors

August 28, 2018
Firewalls, from the biggest to the smallest, are under assault all day, every day from the staggering number of cybersecurity threats floating around the digital sphere — a fact that probably doesn’t come as much of a shock to most people at this point. The “good” news from the half-decade of stories about breach after breach […]

Quick Reads
How Bandura Assists Business Cybersecurity

August 28, 2018
There are 100 million threat vectors floating around the digital sphere as of today, and the best firewalls in the world can only absorb about 200,000 threats at a time, according to CEO Chris Fedde of Bandura Systems, which means threats are getting through. Bandura’s Threat Intelligence Gateway, which sits in front of a business’ firewall according to […]

US Tech Companies Are Turning Over Source Code To Access Russian Market

June 26, 2017
In international news this week, Cisco, IBM and SAP are reportedly agreeing to demands by the government of Russia to provide access to secrets about their products at a time...