First Amendment news and trends

Supreme Court Rules to Protect Businesses’ Free Speech on Credit Card Fees
Legal // April 03, 2017

In today’s fast-moving economy, there aren’t many people who are likely to be carrying around cash. As such, most people who use credit cards have run into the issue of fees being tacked on by businesses for charges under ten dollars. Credit card companies have long...

Supreme Court Rules On Merchant Free Speech And Swipe Fees
Regulation // March 30, 2017

Retailers have gotten an official clarification from the U.S. court of last resort regarding what their first amendment rights are when it comes to talking to customers about the swipe fees they pay for accepting cards. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled yesterday (March 29) that First...

Amazon’s Alexa Won’t Be A Witness In Murder Trial
Security & Fraud // February 24, 2017

Amazon has long been a champion for protecting customer data, and that isn’t changing, with the company filing a motion to stop a search warrant to access Amazon Echo recordings for a murder trial in Arkansas. According to a report in Forbes, prosecutors wants the...

Quick Reads
Supreme Court Rules to Protect Businesses’ Free Speech on Credit Card Fees

April 03, 2017
In today’s fast-moving economy, there aren’t many people who are likely to be carrying around cash. As such, most people who use credit cards have run into the issue of fees being tacked on by businesses for charges under ten dollars. Credit card companies have long been charging merchants two to three percent for any credit […]

Amazon’s Alexa Won’t Be A Witness In Murder Trial

February 24, 2017
Amazon has long been a champion for protecting customer data, and that isn’t changing, with the company filing a motion to stop a search warrant to access Amazon Echo recordings...