Flaw news and trends

Bitcoin Daily: Facebook Loosens Crypto Ad Ban; TRON Flaw Could Lead To Network Freeze
Bitcoin // May 09, 2019

Facebook announced that it is loosening its ban on blockchain and cryptocurrency-related ads. “We’ve listened to feedback and assessed the policy’s effectiveness,” Facebook wrote in a blog post. “While we will still require people to apply to run ads promoting cryptocurrency, starting today, we will...

Heartbleed Attack Undetectable on Old Android Devices
Mobile // May 02, 2014

According to reports, old versions of Android are still vulnerable to the bug.

Quick Reads
Bitcoin Daily: Firefox Bug Targets Crypto Owners; Bitcoin Inventor Claims Escalate

June 20, 2019
Australian Craig Wright, who has declared himself the inventor of bitcoin, believes that a series of lawsuits will help him prove that he is the inventor of bitcoin. But many in the crypto industry do not believe Wright’s claims. For example, software pioneer John McAfee claims he knows the real Satoshi Nakamoto, and it is […]

Bitcoin Daily: Facebook Loosens Crypto Ad Ban; TRON Flaw Could Lead To Network Freeze

May 09, 2019
Facebook announced that it is loosening its ban on blockchain and cryptocurrency-related ads. “We’ve listened to feedback and assessed the policy’s effectiveness,” Facebook wrote in a blog post. “While we...