Foreign Affairs news and trends

US Government Could Scrutinize US/Chinese Tech Partnerships
International // April 27, 2018

The alliances between U.S. and Chinese companies in the area of artificial intelligence (AI) could receive greater scrutiny by the U.S. government, which could threaten practices that have long been the standard for technology companies. Reuters reported that while government reviews for national security reasons have...

North Korean Hackers Target Bitcoin
Bitcoin // September 12, 2017

North Korean hackers are increasing their attacks on cryptocurrency exchanges to try to secure bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Bloomberg Technology reported that the country’s hackers have hit cryptocurrency exchanges in South Korea and related sites, and also breached an English-language bitcoin news website and collected...

Quick Reads
Germany Wants New, Non US Global Payments System

August 22, 2018
Germany’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Heiko Maas has called for the European Union (EU) to create a new payments system, independent in response to the United States pulling out of the Iran nuclear deal. According to Financial Times, Maas wrote in the German daily Handelsblatt that Europe should not allow the U.S. to act “over our […]

US Government Could Scrutinize US/Chinese Tech Partnerships

April 27, 2018
The alliances between U.S. and Chinese companies in the area of artificial intelligence (AI) could receive greater scrutiny by the U.S. government, which could threaten practices that have long been...

North Korean Hackers Target Bitcoin

September 12, 2017
North Korean hackers are increasing their attacks on cryptocurrency exchanges to try to secure bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Bloomberg Technology reported that the country’s hackers have hit cryptocurrency exchanges in...