Fraudulent Transactions news and trends

Fighting The Friendly Fraud Fight
Security & Fraud // November 21, 2017

Card not present (CNP) fraud is on the rise. Fraudsters are adept and adapting to the paths of least resistance when it comes to scamming merchants, issuers and consumers. But there’s also a danger tied to “friendly fraud,” a $331 billion problem decimating revenues and...

Interviews & Exclusives
Fighting The Friendly Fraud Fight

November 21, 2017
Card not present (CNP) fraud is on the rise. Fraudsters are adept and adapting to the paths of least resistance when it comes to scamming merchants, issuers and consumers. But there’s also a danger tied to “friendly fraud,” a $331 billion problem decimating revenues and trust in the eCommerce ecosystem, as Ethoca CMO Keith Briscoe tells PYMNTS.

Quick Reads
Rise of AI-Powered Deepfake Imposter Scams Threatens Individuals and Banks

August 22, 2023
Deepfake technology, powered by artificial intelligence (AI), is reportedly becoming a favored tool for criminals engaged in imposter scams, posing a significant threat to individuals and the banking industry. This surge in cybertheft and financial scams has prompted regulators, law enforcement agencies and financial institutions to take urgent action to protect consumers, Bloomberg reported Tuesday (Aug. […]