Funimation news and trends

Streaming App Provider Ranking Has Two Stars Sharing the Spotlight
Streaming // May 31, 2022

For the most part, this month’s Provider Ranking of Streaming Apps advances the plot with familiar pacing — but there are three exceptions that provide some bursts of action. In this episode, two contenders now share the top spot in the rankings, as last month’s...

Streaming App Provider Ranking Includes Many Recurring Characters
Streaming // May 03, 2022

If you enjoy seeing recurring characters, you’ll like PYMNTS’ latest Provider Ranking of Streaming Apps. The same 11 contenders have earned places in the top 10 this month.  This episode isn’t a repeat, but it sure looks familiar. There’s been little movement and most of...

Streaming App Provider Ranking Sees a Close Race, New Member of the Top 10 
Streaming // March 30, 2022

Classics, action, new episodes — PYMNTS’ latest Provider Ranking of Streaming Apps has it all. This month, some contenders remain where they were last time, some move up a spot or two in the rankings, and one joins the top 10.  Just three points separate...