G 20 news and trends

B20 Execs Call For Action Amid ‘Worst-State’ Global Economy
Economy // October 05, 2020

International business leaders are calling for urgent action to counter “elevated” downside risks from a global economy that is in its “worst state in a century.” Business 20 (B20), a group of top CEOs from around the world, is meeting in advance of the G-20...

G-20 Urges Unified Stablecoin Framework Ahead Of Facebook’s Libra
Cryptocurrency // April 14, 2020

The Financial Stability Board (FSB) – the regulatory watchdog of the Group of 20 (G-20) – warned global regulators that possible stablecoin disruptions should be addressed before Facebook’s Libra is released, according to a consultation report released on Tuesday (April 14). The FSB outlined 10...

Marcus Says Libra Could Be Based On Real Currencies
Cryptocurrency // October 20, 2019

David Marcus, CEO of Facebook’s wallet service Calibra, said that Libra could use national currency-pegged stablecoins like a dollar stablecoin, rather than the synthetic one it initially proposed, Reuters reported on Sunday (Oct. 20).  Marcus, who heads the Libra project for Facebook, told a banking...

Quick Reads
G20 Countries Pledge ‘Responsible AI Development’

September 10, 2023
Can world leaders use artificial intelligence for good while protecting people from its potential ills? That question was at the center of this year’s Group of 20 (G-20) summit in India, Bloomberg News reported Sunday (Sept. 10), with some leaders proposing global guidelines for artificial intelligence (AI). For example, the report said, Indian Prime Minister […]

B20 Execs Call For Action Amid ‘Worst-State’ Global Economy

October 05, 2020
International business leaders are calling for urgent action to counter “elevated” downside risks from a global economy that is in its “worst state in a century.” Business 20 (B20), a...

G-20 Urges Unified Stablecoin Framework Ahead Of Facebook’s Libra

April 14, 2020
The Financial Stability Board (FSB) – the regulatory watchdog of the Group of 20 (G-20) – warned global regulators that possible stablecoin disruptions should be addressed before Facebook’s Libra is...

Marcus Says Libra Could Be Based On Real Currencies

October 20, 2019
David Marcus, CEO of Facebook’s wallet service Calibra, said that Libra could use national currency-pegged stablecoins like a dollar stablecoin, rather than the synthetic one it initially proposed, Reuters reported...