Galarza news and trends

For Banks, Tech As Threat And Savior

November 07, 2016
Moving Toward Seamless B2B Payment
B2B Payments // November 12, 2015

AP firm Entryless takes a cue from B2C and is offering Seamless Payments, an effort to reduce the time spent paying supplier bills

Interviews & Exclusives
For Banks, Tech As Threat And Savior

November 07, 2016
Pity the banks. Tech upstarts get all the digital and real ink when it comes to coverage. Banks get written off as financial services has-beens. But the reality is a little different, and as Mike Galarza, CEO of Entryless, explained to Karen Webster in last Friday’s Topic TBD, traditional FIs have a leg-up over those firms that would simply reinvent processes. It’s called trust.