Gemma news and trends

Why Lightweight Models May Be the Future of AI
artificial intelligence // February 22, 2024

Google has introduced Gemma, a series of lightweight, open-source models that analysts say could herald the arrival of a sleeker form of artificial intelligence (AI).  The company launched two Gemma versions, Gemma 2B and Gemma 7B. These large language models (LLMs) can adjust to instructions, working...

Interviews & Exclusives
Say Hello to Astra: Google Launches AI-Boosted Searches and a Smart Voice Assistant

May 15, 2024
Google unveiled a range of artificial intelligence (AI) advancements at its annual developer conference Tuesday (May 14), including more sophisticated analysis powered by Gemini, smarter assistants like Astra, and an infusion of AI into its dominant search engine, marking one of the most dramatic changes to the company’s foundation since its inception and potentially triggering […]

Why Lightweight Models May Be the Future of AI

February 22, 2024
Google has introduced Gemma, a series of lightweight, open-source models that analysts say could herald the arrival of a sleeker form of artificial intelligence (AI).  The company launched two Gemma versions,...