Generation Instant How Truckers Use Instant Payments To Support Their Lifestyles news and trends

93% of Truck Drivers Want Instant Payments
Faster Payments // May 15, 2024

Truck drivers help keep the supply chain functioning, but the turnover rate is high in the industry — a reality that can have ripple effects across the entire U.S. economy. PYMNTS Intelligence’s “Generation Instant: How Truckers Use Instant Payments to Support Their Lifestyles” revealed that...

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93% of Truck Drivers Want Instant Payments

May 15, 2024
Truck drivers help keep the supply chain functioning, but the turnover rate is high in the industry — a reality that can have ripple effects across the entire U.S. economy. PYMNTS Intelligence’s “Generation Instant: How Truckers Use Instant Payments to Support Their Lifestyles” revealed that one key contributor to the high turnover is that, in […]