Generative Ai Tracker news and trends

Media and Entertainment Companies Go All-In on Generative AI
Artificial Intelligence // February 28, 2024

Creativity is inherent to the media industry and crucial to understanding the industry’s openness to and enthusiasm for experimentation and innovation. Its mission to offer engaging content also drives it to explore ways of enhancing creative capabilities while simultaneously streamlining elements of production processes, reflecting...

Addressing the Complexities and Risks of AI in Finance
Artificial Intelligence // January 11, 2024

A recent EY survey of 1,200 global CEOs reveals that while executives are investing in AI strategies, they face significant challenges in both formulating and operationalizing these plans. More than two-thirds of CEOs recognize the urgent need to act on generative AI, but many feel...

Emerging Challenges of Generative AI in Finance
Artificial Intelligence // January 10, 2024

The financial services sector has long served as the proving ground for the application of emerging technologies. The current era of disruption is no exception to this history. Generative artificial intelligence (AI) represents the latest in this line of transformative technologies reshaping finance and banking,...

83% of Bank Execs Eye GenAI With Hope and Hesitation
Artificial Intelligence // January 05, 2024

The financial services sector has long been a proving ground for emerging technologies. The current era of disruption is no exception to this history. GenAI represents the latest transformative technology reshaping finance and banking. It has applications for everything from enhancing consumer interactions to refining...

Interviews & Exclusives
Telecom Execs See Generative AI as Key to Customer Experience

March 18, 2024
Generative AI has proven valuable in transforming key operational facets at many telecommunications companies across a range of applications. These applications include enhancing connectivity and improving information security — elevating network performance and customer experience. This is reshaping the telecom workforce through controlled workloads and the development of proprietary AI tools for field technicians. However, […]

Media and Entertainment Companies Go All-In on Generative AI

February 28, 2024
Creativity is inherent to the media industry and crucial to understanding the industry’s openness to and enthusiasm for experimentation and innovation. Its mission to offer engaging content also drives it...

72% of Lawyers Doubt the Industry Is Ready for Generative AI

November 10, 2023
At its core, legal work demands meticulous attention to detail, extensive research and nuanced argumentation — intellectually rigorous and time-consuming tasks. The complexity of legal work has historically deterred the...

Next-Level Care: Generative AI Poised for $22B Growth in Healthcare

October 04, 2023
The generative artificial intelligence (AI) market for healthcare is valued at more than $1 billion as of 2022, and it is projected to swell to nearly $22 billion by 2032....