Generative Artificial Intelligence news and trends

Amazon Introduces AI-Powered Image Generator
Amazon // November 29, 2023

Amazon Web Services (AWS) has introduced an artificial intelligence (AI)-powered image generator.  The Amazon Titan Image Generator was unveiled Wednesday (Nov. 29) and is available in preview, AWS said in a Wednesday press release.  The tool enables AWS customers to use natural language prompts to produce realistic...

Companies With AI-Driven Strategies Outcompete Peers, Study Finds
Artificial Intelligence // November 28, 2023

The payments industry has been a latecomer to the financial technology revolution. Many companies still use legacy accounts receivable (AR) processes marked by an overwhelming reliance on manual procedures. Now, the industry is at a crossroads, facing a technological advancement that promises to leave no...

84% of Business Leaders Believe Generative AI Will Positively Impact the Workforce
Artificial Intelligence // October 31, 2023

Businesses face uncertain times, with high borrowing costs and late payments igniting an urgent need to reduce operating expenses and improve cash flow. One key solution is upgrading and streamlining costly legacy and manual methods that still comprise the bulk of business-to-business (B2B) payment processes....

Generative AI’s Biggest Impact May Be as a Specialist
artificial intelligence // August 24, 2023

General-purpose innovations can often fall into the solution-in-search-of-a-problem trap.  After all, to a hammer everything looks like a nail. And to large language models (LLMs), everything might resemble a query.  But generative artificial intelligence (AI) applications that move beyond general-purpose applications to fit-for-purpose solutions provide not just...

Interviews & Exclusives
Media and Entertainment Companies Go All-In on Generative AI

February 28, 2024
Creativity is inherent to the media industry and crucial to understanding the industry’s openness to and enthusiasm for experimentation and innovation. Its mission to offer engaging content also drives it to explore ways of enhancing creative capabilities while simultaneously streamlining elements of production processes, reflecting an industry culture that seeks rather than avoids disruption. In […]

Companies With AI-Driven Strategies Outcompete Peers, Study Finds

November 28, 2023
The payments industry has been a latecomer to the financial technology revolution. Many companies still use legacy accounts receivable (AR) processes marked by an overwhelming reliance on manual procedures. Now,...

84% of Business Leaders Believe Generative AI Will Positively Impact the Workforce

October 31, 2023
Businesses face uncertain times, with high borrowing costs and late payments igniting an urgent need to reduce operating expenses and improve cash flow. One key solution is upgrading and streamlining...

Quick Reads
Amazon Introduces AI-Powered Image Generator

November 29, 2023
Amazon Web Services (AWS) has introduced an artificial intelligence (AI)-powered image generator.  The Amazon Titan Image Generator was unveiled Wednesday (Nov. 29) and is available in preview, AWS said in a Wednesday press release.  The tool enables AWS customers to use natural language prompts to produce realistic images or enhance existing ones, according to the release.  It […]