Glenn Fogel news and trends

Booking Holdings Brands Working Together to Deploy AI
artificial intelligence // August 04, 2023

Booking Holdings’ brands are sharing among themselves what they’ve learned as they develop and implement artificial intelligence (AI)-powered tools. So said Booking Holdings CEO Glenn Fogel during the company’s quarterly earnings call held Thursday (Aug. 3). “Being able to do all these things from the...

Priceline Group Gets A New Name
Retail // February 21, 2018

As Priceline Group focuses in on its hotel and home rental business, the online travel company announced it had changed its name on Wednesday (Feb. 21). It is now known as Booking Holdings, according to CNBC reports. As a result, the company will change its NASDAQ...

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Booking Holdings Brands Working Together to Deploy AI

August 04, 2023
Booking Holdings’ brands are sharing among themselves what they’ve learned as they develop and implement artificial intelligence (AI)-powered tools. So said Booking Holdings CEO Glenn Fogel during the company’s quarterly earnings call held Thursday (Aug. 3). “Being able to do all these things from the different brands and being able to learn from each other […]

Priceline Group Gets A New Name

February 21, 2018
As Priceline Group focuses in on its hotel and home rental business, the online travel company announced it had changed its name on Wednesday (Feb. 21). It is now known...