Global Money Transfer news and trends

Why Smartphones Are Payments’ Biggest Innovators
News // May 23, 2017

Innovation is happening at the speed of payments — which, as it turns out, can be pretty fast these days. In this edition of the PYMNTS’ Commander in Chief Series, Western Union Global Money Transfer President Odilon Almeida shares a day in the life as leader of...

Western Union Teams Up With Facebook Messenger For Global Money Transfers
Payment Methods // April 19, 2017

Score another win for Facebook with Western Union’s latest announcement at the social media giant’s F8 annual developer conference. As we’ve reported, there have been various companies partnering up with Facebook’s Messenger lately to help enhance customer service and purchasing methods. While companies like American Express...

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Western Union Teams Up With Facebook Messenger For Global Money Transfers

April 19, 2017
Score another win for Facebook with Western Union’s latest announcement at the social media giant’s F8 annual developer conference. As we’ve reported, there have been various companies partnering up with Facebook’s Messenger lately to help enhance customer service and purchasing methods. While companies like American Express are installing new bots for customer service, Western Union is […]