Global Shopping Index news and trends

UAE-Based SMBs Generate 46% of Sales on Digital Platforms, Lowest in 6-Country Study
SMBs // May 03, 2022

Digital platforms play a key role in the increasingly connected global economy, enabling businesses across all sectors to reach more potential customers both at home and abroad. For small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) which generate a greater portion of their sales on digital platforms than...

Shopping Channels Blur as New Breed of Consumer Emerges From Pandemic
Commerce Connected // March 10, 2022

Shopping and payments patterns forged in the crucible of the pandemic are fast becoming “the next normal” we’ve been speculating about since 2020. As the dust settles, we’re seeing more clearly how digital investments and consumer preference are profoundly reshaping commerce worldwide. In the 2022...

Interviews & Exclusives
Few US In-Store Shoppers Use Digital Discounts

March 27, 2024
Digital features were once the exclusive domain of online shoppers. Just as savvy in-store shoppers knew where to find the bargain bin, savvy online shoppers knew where to click to earn special deals. That’s all changed. Increasingly, consumers of all stripes know how to leverage digital deals whether they shop online or walk the aisles […]

Shopping Channels Blur as New Breed of Consumer Emerges From Pandemic

March 10, 2022
Shopping and payments patterns forged in the crucible of the pandemic are fast becoming “the next normal” we’ve been speculating about since 2020. As the dust settles, we’re seeing more...