Globalfoundries news and trends

U.S. Gives GlobalFoundries $1.5 Billion to Accelerate Domestic Semiconductor Industry
Technology // February 20, 2024

When it comes to technological advances, the small things frequently have the biggest impact. And for the 21st century’s connected economy, there is no bigger, smaller thing than semiconductors — the preeminent component of the computer chips powering electronic devices and digital transformations that have...

Automakers Announce Agreements to Improve Supply of Semiconductor Chips 
Connected Economy // December 13, 2021

In the midst of a global shortage of semiconductor chips that is affecting manufacturers in a wide range of industries, Stellantis and BMW have become the latest automakers to announce moves to improve their supply of these critical components that enable today’s high-tech, connected vehicles. ...

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Automakers Announce Agreements to Improve Supply of Semiconductor Chips 

December 13, 2021
In the midst of a global shortage of semiconductor chips that is affecting manufacturers in a wide range of industries, Stellantis and BMW have become the latest automakers to announce moves to improve their supply of these critical components that enable today’s high-tech, connected vehicles.  Stellantis announced Tuesday (Dec. 7) that it has partnered with […]