Google Health news and trends

Google Health Looks to Consumerize AI With Chat and Wearables
Google // March 16, 2023

Continuing its push for artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare use cases from search to symptom tracking and treatment, Google announced progress along these lines at its annual Check Up event on Tuesday (March 14). Google Chief Health Officer Karen DeSalvo told attendees that “The future...

Google Health Boss Quits; Named CEO Of Health Tech Company Cerner
Personnel // August 19, 2021

Cerner, a health information tech company, has announced that Dr. David Feinberg, an ex-Google Health executive, will be the new president and CEO of the company, according to a press release. Feinberg, who is 59, served as Google Health’s vice president since 2019, the release...

Legislators Want Answers On Google Medical Data Collection
Google // March 04, 2020

A trio of senators are unhappy with Google’s response to queries about its healthcare initiative “Project Nightingale,” saying Google has evaded real in-depth answers on its partnership with Ascension, a large healthcare company, according to a report by The Wall Street Journal. Sens. Richard Blumenthal,...

Google Says Its AI Research Is Not Using Patient Data
Google // November 13, 2019

Google has been in the hot seat this week over allegations that it was using millions of people’s health data to feed and build its own artificial intelligence (AI) health tools. The news, reported in The Wall Street Journal on Monday (Nov. 11), prompted an...

Quick Reads
Google Health Developing GenAI Models for Fitbit, Clinicians

March 19, 2024
Google Health has announced some of the latest strides it has made in the healthcare industry with its use of generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) models. Last year, the company introduced Med-PaLM 2, a large language model (LLM) specifically fine-tuned for healthcare, Yossi Matias, vice president of engineering and research at Google, wrote in a Tuesday (March 19) blog […]

Google Health Boss Quits; Named CEO Of Health Tech Company Cerner

August 19, 2021
Cerner, a health information tech company, has announced that Dr. David Feinberg, an ex-Google Health executive, will be the new president and CEO of the company, according to a press...

Legislators Want Answers On Google Medical Data Collection

March 04, 2020
A trio of senators are unhappy with Google’s response to queries about its healthcare initiative “Project Nightingale,” saying Google has evaded real in-depth answers on its partnership with Ascension, a...

Google Says Its AI Research Is Not Using Patient Data

November 13, 2019
Google has been in the hot seat this week over allegations that it was using millions of people’s health data to feed and build its own artificial intelligence (AI) health...