Gpt news and trends

Enterprise AI’s Biggest Benefits Take Firms Down a Two-Way Street
artificial intelligence // July 11, 2023

Artificial intelligence (AI) is changing the world, or at least the way the information economy operates. And the way the information economy operates is increasingly what defines business success and failure across today’s landscape. But as a new paper published in the research journal Nature shows,...

A Tale of Two GPTs
artificial intelligence // June 13, 2023

Except perhaps for those who have been completely off the grid for the last year, pretty much everyone has heard about ChatGPT.  That’s the AI application that has convinced the world — including the long-overpromising and underdelivering artificial intelligence profession — that AI really is...

Everything You Need to Know About Generative AI but Were Not Afraid to Ask
Artificial Intelligence // May 25, 2023

Less than a decade ago, the idea of something like ChatGPT or image generators such as DALL-E would have seemed as much a part of science fiction as light-speed travel. Then, in late 2022, the world woke up to a new paradigm of artificial intelligence...

Interviews & Exclusives
Foundational Models: Building Blocks for Generative AI Applications

September 15, 2023
By Stefan Geirhofer and Scott McKinney Generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) refers to a category of machine learning models that, in response to a user’s input prompt, can generate output based on the prompt.  The generated content can be of different types, including text, computer source code, images, audio, and video. Developing GenAI models from scratch […]

A Tale of Two GPTs

June 13, 2023
Except perhaps for those who have been completely off the grid for the last year, pretty much everyone has heard about ChatGPT.  That’s the AI application that has convinced the...