Grainchain news and trends

How Mixing Payment Rails Eases B2B Payment Squeeze
B2B Payments // March 31, 2020

No one payment rail can solve every point of friction in B2B payments. Instead, new research suggests embracing multiple rails can drive revenue. This week’s look at payment rail innovation explores how corporates and FinTech providers embrace variety to ease friction in card acceptance, employee...

Blockchain Tackles Farming’s Cash Flow Bottlenecks
B2B Payments // March 31, 2020

Cash flow is king for independent farmers operating with thin margins and wide exposure to a variety of risks, from economic downturns to inclement weather. But the process of getting paid from corporate customers like elevators — companies that procure bulk field crops — is...

GrainChain Accelerates Farmer Payments With Blockchain
B2B Payments // March 29, 2020

GrainChain, the farming blockchain system for agriculture and farming business, has moved to the Symbiont network, Assembly, a change which the company anticipates will help expand its business, according to a press release. GrainChain currently works in Texas, Honduras and Mexico, and said it has...

Bitcoin Daily: Chinese Blockchain Co. Invests In Cannabis; Canada, Singapore See Positive Results In Cross-Border...
Bitcoin // May 03, 2019

The Bank of Canada and the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) announced that they have conducted their first successful experiment between the two banks on cross-border and cross-currency payments using central bank digital currencies. The banks linked their domestic payment networks, Project Jasper and Project...

Interviews & Exclusives
Mastercard Uses Blockchain To Innovate AgTech

October 29, 2020
Trust in supply chains can be a tricky thing to achieve. It’s absolutely necessary to make them work, but they can be hard to establish because so much of how things actually move from Point A to Point B can be frustratingly opaque. Mastercard’s Senior Vice President of Innovation and Startup Engagement Deborah Barta told […]

Quick Reads
Bitcoin Daily: Chinese Blockchain Co. Invests In Cannabis; Canada, Singapore See Positive Results In Cross-Border...

May 03, 2019
The Bank of Canada and the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) announced that they have conducted their first successful experiment between the two banks on cross-border and cross-currency payments using central bank digital currencies. The banks linked their domestic payment networks, Project Jasper and Project Ubin1, which are built on two different DLT platforms. The […]

Bitcoin Daily: Overstock Subsidiary Puts $2.5M In ‘GrainPay’; US Govt Works To Make Crypto Transactions...

December 05, 2018
Cryptocurrency exchange ErisX announced that it has raised $27.5 million from investors, including Fidelity Investments and Nasdaq Ventures. The exchange is set to launch next year, pending regulatory approval. The...