Gravity Sketch news and trends

The Next Three Years: Collaborative 3D Platforms Bring Digital Smarts to Industrial Design
Innovation // May 04, 2022

From creating cars and footwear to imaging experiential new worlds inside the metaverse, product and software design teams have long operated using 2D tools, and without an effective form of online collaboration for distributed design teams doing this work. That’s made industrial design expensive and...

Interviews & Exclusives
Why the Metaverse Has a Social Engagement Problem

February 08, 2023
Sometimes the best way to introduce users to the metaverse is by completely ignoring everything we’ve heard about the metaverse. With brands including Adidas, Gucci and Warner Music, to name just a few, plunking down close to $2 billion collectively by some estimates buying virtual “land” in the past two years, excitement has cooled considerably […]

The Next Three Years: Collaborative 3D Platforms Bring Digital Smarts to Industrial Design

May 04, 2022
From creating cars and footwear to imaging experiential new worlds inside the metaverse, product and software design teams have long operated using 2D tools, and without an effective form of...