H news and trends

Amazon-Backed AI Startup H Raises $220 Million for ‘Full AGI’
artificial intelligence // May 21, 2024

French startup “H” has raised $220 million for its goal of building artificial general intelligence. The company — led by a group of Google DeepMind veterans — had been known as Holistic AI before their rebrand Tuesday (May 21), Bloomberg News reported. (Holistic is also...

Quick Reads
AI Agents Attract Funding, Aim to Transform Industries

June 07, 2024
Artificial intelligence agents have reportedly caught the attention of tech investors, leading to a surge in funding for startups focused on building them. The interest from tech investors highlights the potential of AI agents to transform industries and create new opportunities, CNBC reported Friday (June 7). AI agents are software programs that can perform tasks […]

Amazon-Backed AI Startup H Raises $220 Million for ‘Full AGI’

May 21, 2024
French startup “H” has raised $220 million for its goal of building artificial general intelligence. The company — led by a group of Google DeepMind veterans — had been known...