Halloween Commerce news and trends

What’s Got Consumers Spooked About Halloween Spending?

October 30, 2015
How Halloween Haunts October Commerce
Hmmm // October 01, 2015

With the flipping of the calendar to October and the pumpkin spiced drinks flowing freely from sea to shining sea, it’s time for one of the most underappreciated shopping holidays: Halloween.   A lot of people pony up an awful lot of cash to scare, be scared...

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What’s Got Consumers Spooked About Halloween Spending?

October 30, 2015
As the scariest day of the year approaches, it looks like budget-conscious consumers have grown weary about more than just the spooky happenings that may take place on Oct. 31; they have actually taken a fearful attitude toward Halloween spending itself. According to a new survey by American Consumer Credit Counseling, nearly half (47 percent) […]