Hanjin news and trends

More Cargo Comes Off Hanjin’s Ships

September 20, 2016
Hanjin’s Retail Ripples
Retail // September 19, 2016

The bankruptcy of the world’s seventh-largest shipping line — South Korea-based Hanjin — could be the beginning of a big holiday headache for retailers with cargo currently trapped at sea in the Pacific. Creditors continue to fight Hanjin in an attempt to claim its ships,...

Chapter 11 Watch: Aéropostale Deal OKed, Golfsmith Files And Imports Still Strong
Retail // September 16, 2016

Aéropostale is officially going to emerge from bankruptcy in one piece, albeit in a slimmed-down form, rather than heading to liquidation as one of its biggest creditors had sought. A federal judge approved a $243 million bid that would keep open 229 Aéropostale locations, meaning...

Hanjin And $14 Billion Lost At Sea
International // September 08, 2016

When a major shipping player, like Hanjin, sails into financial uncertainty, the ripple effects are myriad and expensive. As of now, there is around $14 billion in goods currently stranded at sea and a legion of owners trying to get them back to land and...

Retailers Face Shipping Crisis With Holiday Season Around The Corner
Retail // September 02, 2016

As the run-up to retail’s big season is getting ready to get underway, the nation’s retailers have a big, big problem at the ports. A problem that has now gotten severe enough that they are looking to the federal government for assistance. The problem is...