Hawk news and trends

43% of Fraudulent Transactions That Hit FIs Are Authorized
Fraud Prevention // June 07, 2024

When it comes to payments fraud, the Federal Reserve actually splits the crime into two categories: authorized and unauthorized fraud. While unauthorized fraud — which involves fraudsters initiating or redirecting bogus payments from legitimate accounts — might be the type that first comes to mind...

52% of FIs Plan to Lean on ML and AI to Combat Fraud
artificial intelligence // May 22, 2024

In the seemingly never-ending war to protect their customers and institutions from fraud, an increasing number of financial institutions (FIs) are deploying machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) tools to fight back.   And according to PYMNTS Intelligence’s “Leveraging AI and ML to Thwart Scammers,”...

New Report: Authorized Fraud Scams Damaging to Bank-Customer Relationships
Fraud Prevention // May 09, 2024

Despite ongoing efforts to educate consumers on protecting themselves against financial crime, increasing authorized fraud and scam instances are nightmares for banks and their customers. Authorized fraud, which targets customers or bank employees, is particularly troubling. PYMNTS Intelligence finds that 43% of the fraudulent transactions...

Interviews & Exclusives
52% of FIs Plan to Lean on ML and AI to Combat Fraud

May 22, 2024
In the seemingly never-ending war to protect their customers and institutions from fraud, an increasing number of financial institutions (FIs) are deploying machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) tools to fight back.   And according to PYMNTS Intelligence’s “Leveraging AI and ML to Thwart Scammers,” a report created in collaboration with Hawk, those efforts appear to […]

Quick Reads
Hawk Adds New Funding Amid Demand for AI-Powered Crime Fighting

June 11, 2024
Hawk is raising funds to support increasing demand for artificial intelligence (AI)-powered anti-financial crime technology. The company on Tuesday (June 11) announced the extension of its Series B funding, which brings with it “a substantial increase” in valuation. According to a news release, the funding will help speed Hawk’s international growth, helping it meet demand for its explainable […]