Health And Human Services news and trends

Hospitals Face Financial Hardship As COVID-19 Continues To Surge
Coronavirus // April 27, 2020

Hospitals on the front lines of treating the coronavirus pandemic are projecting staggering losses, some as high as $50 billion a month, according to an NPR report on Thursday (April 23). “I think it’s fair to say that hospitals are facing perhaps the greatest challenge...

New Medicare Cards Are Hitting Mailboxes along the East Coast
Fraud Prevention // May 09, 2018

The new Medicare cards are on their way to consumers, a process that includes giving users of the health payment service numbers that differ from their Social Security accounts — which could reduce identify theft. The Federal Trade Commission previously announced that the cards would...

Quick Reads
Hospitals Face Financial Hardship As COVID-19 Continues To Surge

April 27, 2020
Hospitals on the front lines of treating the coronavirus pandemic are projecting staggering losses, some as high as $50 billion a month, according to an NPR report on Thursday (April 23). “I think it’s fair to say that hospitals are facing perhaps the greatest challenge that they have ever faced in their history,” said Rick […]

New Medicare Cards Are Hitting Mailboxes along the East Coast

May 09, 2018
The new Medicare cards are on their way to consumers, a process that includes giving users of the health payment service numbers that differ from their Social Security accounts —...