Healthcare Data news and trends

How AI and Wearable Data Could Drive Better, Cheaper Health Outcomes
Artificial Intelligence // February 14, 2024

Innovations within the healthcare sector can save lives, as well as time and money.  That’s because the sector is primed for the transformative applications of the latest technologies, from connected wearable devices to generative artificial intelligence (AI).  From lowering the cost of care delivery to eliminating provider...

To Scale AI in Healthcare, Understanding the Tech’s Role Is Crucial 
artificial intelligence // November 02, 2023

The advent of generative artificial intelligence (AI) technologies promises to significantly transform the healthcare industry. “We’ve reached a new frontier in this area … the current capabilities for data mining and analysis and aggregation and dissemination are unprecedented,” Tom O’Neil, managing director at Berkeley Research...

Microsoft Debuts AI-Powered Data Tools for Doctors
artificial intelligence // October 10, 2023

Microsoft has unveiled artificial intelligence-powered products to help doctors glean insights from healthcare data. The product launch, announced Tuesday (Oct. 10), followed a similar debut this week from rival Google, and comes at a time when some clinicians are showing hesitancy about the use of generative artificial intelligence (AI) in patient...

Can AI Fix Healthcare’s Zettabyte-Sized Data Problem?
Healthcare // September 07, 2023

The global healthcare system generates more than a zettabyte (a trillion gigabytes) of data annually. And that is only growing, as healthcare organizations continue to progress in their digital transformation. In today’s big data-fueled landscape, one would be forgiven for thinking that this is a...

Interviews & Exclusives
To Scale AI in Healthcare, Understanding the Tech’s Role Is Crucial 

November 02, 2023
The advent of generative artificial intelligence (AI) technologies promises to significantly transform the healthcare industry. “We’ve reached a new frontier in this area … the current capabilities for data mining and analysis and aggregation and dissemination are unprecedented,” Tom O’Neil, managing director at Berkeley Research Group and former chief compliance officer at Cigna, tells PYMNTS […]

Quick Reads
Microsoft Debuts AI-Powered Data Tools for Doctors

October 10, 2023
Microsoft has unveiled artificial intelligence-powered products to help doctors glean insights from healthcare data. The product launch, announced Tuesday (Oct. 10), followed a similar debut this week from rival Google, and comes at a time when some clinicians are showing hesitancy about the use of generative artificial intelligence (AI) in patient care. “Healthcare data continues to grow rapidly, and organizations are […]

FTC Investigating but Won’t Block Amazon Acquisition of One Medical

February 21, 2023
Amazon can close its acquisition of One Medical without opposition from the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported Tuesday (Feb. 21) that the FTC will keep... Launches App That Lets Consumers Claim Their Personal Data

September 06, 2018, the company pushing for the 31st human right for individuals to own their data as property, announced on Thursday (Sept. 6) the launch of an Android app aimed at...

Singapore Cuts Off Internet Access For Public Healthcare Workers

July 24, 2018
Singapore has moved to disconnect computers from the internet at public centers in an effort to stop cyberattacks that could have the potential to spread around the globe. Reuters, citing Deputy...