Healthcare Platform news and trends

Weave Adds AI-Driven Voicemail Transcriptions to Healthcare Platform
artificial intelligence // October 30, 2023

Weave has added artificial intelligence (AI)-driven voicemail transcriptions to its all-in-one experience platform for small- to medium-sized healthcare practices. By transcribing voicemails from patients, Weave’s platform enables efficient, convenient and private reading experiences, the company said in a Monday (Oct. 30) press release. Users can access the voicemail...

Boomers Want a Seamless and Integrated Healthcare Experience, Minus AI
Healthcare // October 02, 2023

Navigating a friction-filled healthcare system, not to mention the complexities of insurance coverage, can often be overwhelming, particularly for baby boomers and seniors who typically have greater and more frequent healthcare needs than their younger counterparts. For these older consumers, seamless and integrated digital platforms...

Digital Platforms Bring Amazon Effect to Healthcare Payments and Providers
Healthcare // February 21, 2023

It’s a jungle out there — of healthcare provider and insurance payer portals — and that’s a lot of trouble to go to when accessing a test result or paying a doctor’s bill. It cries for unification. That’s exactly what’s happening, as the concept of...

90% of US Consumers Want One App to Manage Healthcare Needs
Healthcare // December 28, 2022

Unified digital healthcare platforms cure pains for consumers seeking better experiences in treatment and payment. And it turns out that patients who have been jilted by tech or other bottlenecks along their medical journey are wide open to trying something new. This, according to “Healthcare...

Interviews & Exclusives
Digital Platforms Bring Amazon Effect to Healthcare Payments and Providers

February 21, 2023
It’s a jungle out there — of healthcare provider and insurance payer portals — and that’s a lot of trouble to go to when accessing a test result or paying a doctor’s bill. It cries for unification. That’s exactly what’s happening, as the concept of unified healthcare platforms is catching on with consumers, alleviating portal […]

90% of US Consumers Want One App to Manage Healthcare Needs

December 28, 2022
Unified digital healthcare platforms cure pains for consumers seeking better experiences in treatment and payment. And it turns out that patients who have been jilted by tech or other bottlenecks...

Quick Reads
Rectangle Health Launches Healthcare Practice Management Platform

January 30, 2024
Rectangle Health, a provider of patient engagement, payments and office compliance solutions for healthcare providers, has launched an all-in-one platform. The new Practice Management Bridge aims to drive the growth of healthcare providers by seamlessly integrating patient engagement, revenue acceleration, and practice compliance management into a single hub, the company said in a Tuesday (Jan. 30) press release. […]

Weave Adds AI-Driven Voicemail Transcriptions to Healthcare Platform

October 30, 2023
Weave has added artificial intelligence (AI)-driven voicemail transcriptions to its all-in-one experience platform for small- to medium-sized healthcare practices. By transcribing voicemails from patients, Weave’s platform enables efficient, convenient and private reading...

Serial Entrepreneur Rithesh Menon Buys B2B Healthcare Platform Audiology Plus 

November 29, 2022
Serial entrepreneur Rithesh Menon has acquired B2B healthcare digital marketing platform Audiology Plus.  Menon said he looks to “grow and contribute to the expanding healthcare digital marketing space,” according to a Tuesday (Nov....