Heartbleed news and trends

Hospital Breach Reveals Bank Nightmare

August 25, 2014
The Heartbleed Bug Effects More Than Just Software…
Breach Round Up // April 19, 2014

The Heartbleed bug remains the biggest story in online security this week as countless organizations nationwide tested to see if they were vulnerable or if they had been victimized. It also came out that Heartbleed not only compromises software but also effects networking hardware. In...

Payments Industry Awaits Potential Fallout Of ‘Heartbleed’ OpenSSL Flaw
Breach Round Up // April 11, 2014

Well, it might not constitute breach news per se – or it doesn’t yet anyway– but the announcement this week that two-thirds of all online websites for the past two years had been vulnerable certainly was. The security flaw, dubbed Heartbleed,” had made openly available...

Quick Reads
Hospital Breach Reveals Bank Nightmare

August 25, 2014
The theft of 4.5 million patient records from a Tennessee hospital chain should have banks worried about both fraud from identity theft and the security of their own networks, according to American Banker. In the breach at Community Health Systems of Franklin, Tenn., cyberthieves got access to patients’ names, addresses, birth dates, and telephone and […]