Heiko Maas news and trends

SWIFT Debate Shows Politics, Payments Make Strange Bedfellows
Global Payments // August 29, 2018

The headlines all play on  the name “SWIFT” in some form or another: “Germany Wants A Swift End To SWIFT,” or “Some Critics Want A ‘SWIFT’ End To US Payments Dominance,” or “A Problem Has Arisen In Europe, Swiftly, Over Payments (And SWIFT).” Here’s a...

Europe Seeks SWIFT Alternative
Europe // August 27, 2018

To help attain financial independence, Europe has reportedly been working on a money transfer system. It would be separate from the prevailing Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT), RT reported. “That won’t be easy, but we have already started to do that,” German minister...

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Europe Seeks SWIFT Alternative

August 27, 2018
To help attain financial independence, Europe has reportedly been working on a money transfer system. It would be separate from the prevailing Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT), RT reported. “That won’t be easy, but we have already started to do that,” German minister of foreign affairs Heiko Maas said at a conference in […]