Hillary Clinton news and trends

Mueller Indictment Exposes ID Theft Risks
Security & Fraud // February 19, 2018

The Russians are coming. The Russians are coming. Actually, they’re already here and have been for a while. News came Friday that Special Counsel Robert Mueller unsealed indictments against 13 Russian nationals and three Russian businesses, over alleged interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election....

US Tech Companies Are Turning Over Source Code To Access Russian Market
Security & Fraud // June 26, 2017

In international news this week, Cisco, IBM and SAP are reportedly agreeing to demands by the government of Russia to provide access to secrets about their products at a time when the country has been accused of cyberattacks targeted at Western countries, reported Reuters. According...

Weird Commerce: PoliTEAcal Teas, Steeping In Satire
weird commerce // December 12, 2016

American history has been steeped in tea, arguably since its beginning. Back around this time of year in 1773 and after the British government smacked a tax on American colonists’ tea, men dressed as Native Americans, boarded British ships bopping in the Boston Harbor and...

Chatbot Tracker: Hillary, Donald And Their Chatbots
Chatbots // November 08, 2016

So here we are on Election Day in the U.S. Seems like yesterday — and yet, ages ago — when Hillary Clinton announced her candidacy in April 2015 and Donald Trump did the same two months later. But since then, many chatbots have popped up...

Interviews & Exclusives
Mueller Indictment Exposes ID Theft Risks

February 19, 2018
The Russians are coming. The Russians are coming. Actually, they’re already here and have been for a while. News came Friday that Special Counsel Robert Mueller unsealed indictments against 13 Russian nationals and three Russian businesses, over alleged interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. Beyond reverberations across the political and foreign relations spheres, these […]

Quick Reads
Bitcoin Daily: Hillary Clinton Critiques Bitcoin; Cryptocurrency Transactions Now Taxed in Argentina

November 21, 2021
Former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has a skeptical view of bitcoin, saying there are worries that it could undermine the dollar, Bitcoin Magazine reported. “What looks like a very interesting and somewhat exotic effort to literally mine new coins in order to trade with them has the potential for undermining currencies, for undermining the […]

US Tech Companies Are Turning Over Source Code To Access Russian Market

June 26, 2017
In international news this week, Cisco, IBM and SAP are reportedly agreeing to demands by the government of Russia to provide access to secrets about their products at a time...

Weird Commerce: PoliTEAcal Teas, Steeping In Satire

December 12, 2016
American history has been steeped in tea, arguably since its beginning. Back around this time of year in 1773 and after the British government smacked a tax on American colonists’...