Hospital Billing news and trends

Startup Better Works To Catch, Fix Errors On Out-Of-Network Medical Bills
Mobile Applications // April 19, 2017

For those tired of the hassle of dealing with mistakes on out-of-network medical bills, there is hope: Startup Better has already raised $1.1 million in funding so it can advocate on your behalf to reduce your medical bills. According to TechCrunch, Better works through both...

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COVID-19 ‘Miracle’ Survivor Gets $1M Bill

June 15, 2020
Michael Flor may have more lives than a cat. But it came at a price. The 70-year-old Seattle, Washington resident was so close to death earlier this year from COVID-19 that a nurse held a phone to his ear while his family said their final goodbyes, The Seattle Times reported. But as Flor was recuperating […]

Startup Better Works To Catch, Fix Errors On Out-Of-Network Medical Bills

April 19, 2017
For those tired of the hassle of dealing with mistakes on out-of-network medical bills, there is hope: Startup Better has already raised $1.1 million in funding so it can advocate...