How Consumers Want To Live In The Voice Economy news and trends

Millennials Willing to Pay For Smart, Conversational Voice Assistant
Mobile Commerce // April 25, 2023

Consumers want to make their daily routines simple and more connected, and hands-free voice-activated technologies can fit the bill. Consumers already use voice assistants to find information, play music or find and book airline tickets, among many other possibilities. Consumers performed an average of six tasks...

Interviews & Exclusives
63% of Consumers Want an AI-Powered Voice Assistant to Help With Every Day Tasks

May 02, 2023
The next interface set to revolutionize consumer lives is also the oldest: voice. Connected devices are rapidly entering a modern hands-free, voice-driven era, as next-generation advances are made in voice recognition technology and increasingly being brought to market across a wide variety of conversational commerce use cases. This, as findings from PYMNTS’ landmark March 2023 […]