Hpe news and trends

HP Enterprise Chief Architect: Computing’s New Dawn Beyond the Twilight of Moore’s Law
Big Data // May 04, 2018

No doubt you’ve heard of Moore’s Law. The premise put forth by Gordon Moore states that the number of transistors per square inch on integrated chips double every year. That’s held true over decades, and now the length of time is about one and a...

Google And Apple Absent From Cybersecurity Tech Accord That Facebook And Microsoft Signed
Safety and Security // April 18, 2018

Technology companies are making the pledge to protect customers from cyberattacks, as well as making sure they don’t help governments advance their cyber warfare efforts. The Cybersecurity Tech Accord is a “watershed agreement” signed by 34 tech companies: ABB, Arm, Avast, Bitdefender, BT, CA Technologies,...

Dramatic Gains, Losses In Corporate FinServ Earnings
B2B Payments // February 26, 2018

This week’s B2B Data Digest is all about earnings stats from the world of corporate FinServ and FinTech. As is always the case during earnings season, there is good news and bad — but a look at earnings data shows the pendulum swinging dramatically both...

Tech Giants Make Their Blockchain Bets For 2018
B2B Payments // November 15, 2017

Every day the world hears about another blockchain project in the works or another distributed ledger technology consortium forming. What it doesn’t hear, though, is that most of those initiatives will go defunct only a few months after launching. Just last week, Deloitte found that...

Quick Reads
HPE Launches Corporate IT Payment Deferral Program

April 08, 2020
Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) is turning to its financial services unit to extend over $2 billion in financing and programs to assist business customers with cash management issues amid the global pandemic.  “Customers and partners are looking to preserve cash right now,” Brad Shapiro, managing director of HPE Financial Services Americas, told ZNet in a […]

Google And Apple Absent From Cybersecurity Tech Accord That Facebook And Microsoft Signed

April 18, 2018
Technology companies are making the pledge to protect customers from cyberattacks, as well as making sure they don’t help governments advance their cyber warfare efforts. The Cybersecurity Tech Accord is...