Hubspot news and trends

HubSpot and Stripe Optimize Digital Payments for Small Businesses
SMBs // April 24, 2024

Small businesses don’t want embracing modern technology to be a big, technical lift. After all, these Main Street-style companies are increasingly busy building out their growth plans and managing a laundry list of unpredictable daily realities. They don’t have the time to devote their finite...

Report: Alphabet Considers Bid to Acquire HubSpot
Acquisitions // April 04, 2024

Google parent company Alphabet is reportedly considering making a bid to acquire HubSpot. The firm has met with investment bankers to discuss how much it should offer and whether it would face challenges from regulators, Reuters reported Thursday (April 4), citing unnamed sources. Alphabet has not submitted an offer, and it...

Small Business-Focused Software Firms Warn of Dwindling Revenue
SMBs // November 16, 2023

Small businesses are reportedly reducing their software spending, hurting the businesses that make that software. As CNBC reported Thursday (Nov. 16), companies such as HubSpot, Bill, Paycom and ZoomInfo have all recently cautioned investors of potential declines in revenue from the small- to medium-sized business (SMB) sector.  That’s left Wall Street uneasy,...

CRM Firm HubSpot Acquires B2B Intelligence Company Clearbit
Acquisitions // November 01, 2023

Customer relationship management platform HubSpot is acquiring B2B intelligence firm Clearbit. This move aims to enhance HubSpot’s customer intelligence capabilities and enable its clients to grow with industry-leading insights, HubSpot said in a Wednesday (Nov. 1) press release.  HubSpot said its artificial intelligence (AI)-driven platform is built on...

Interviews & Exclusives
HubSpot and Stripe Optimize Digital Payments for Small Businesses

April 24, 2024
Small businesses don’t want embracing modern technology to be a big, technical lift. After all, these Main Street-style companies are increasingly busy building out their growth plans and managing a laundry list of unpredictable daily realities. They don’t have the time to devote their finite resources to understanding the intricacies of implementing every new technology […]

Quick Reads
Report: Alphabet in Continuing Talks to Acquire HubSpot

May 09, 2024
Google parent company Alphabet is reportedly in continuing talks with HubSpot about acquiring that company. The companies have discussed the potential terms of a deal, although the deliberations are ongoing, there is no certainty the two companies will come to an agreement, and another potential buyer could emerge, Bloomberg reported Thursday (May 9), citing unnamed sources. Neither Alphabet nor HubSpot immediately replied to […]

Report: Alphabet Considers Bid to Acquire HubSpot

April 04, 2024
Google parent company Alphabet is reportedly considering making a bid to acquire HubSpot. The firm has met with investment bankers to discuss how much it should offer and whether it would face challenges from...

Small Business-Focused Software Firms Warn of Dwindling Revenue

November 16, 2023
Small businesses are reportedly reducing their software spending, hurting the businesses that make that software. As CNBC reported Thursday (Nov. 16), companies such as HubSpot, Bill, Paycom and ZoomInfo have all recently cautioned investors of potential declines...

CRM Firm HubSpot Acquires B2B Intelligence Company Clearbit

November 01, 2023
Customer relationship management platform HubSpot is acquiring B2B intelligence firm Clearbit. This move aims to enhance HubSpot’s customer intelligence capabilities and enable its clients to grow with industry-leading insights, HubSpot said in a...