Idg news and trends

Have Big Buck Investments Put A Dent In Cyberattacks?
Security & Fraud // February 24, 2017

A new survey of IT staff around the U.S. found that cyberattacks are continuing to cause big disruptions despite an uptick in the amount of money spent on cybersecurity hardware and software. According to IDG Connect, which conducted the survey on behalf of Malwarebytes, between...

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Driver Guild Says Uber Competitor, Juno, Misled Drivers

May 17, 2017
For New York independent drivers and their passengers, the birth of local Uber rival Juno last year seemed like good news. Many drivers worked for both companies, doubling their business. Many also had claim to Juno stock units that, it turned out, the company would never — and could never — distribute. So when Juno […]

Have Big Buck Investments Put A Dent In Cyberattacks?

February 24, 2017
A new survey of IT staff around the U.S. found that cyberattacks are continuing to cause big disruptions despite an uptick in the amount of money spent on cybersecurity hardware...