In Store Shopping news and trends

59% of UK Consumers Still Prefer to Buy Groceries In-Store
Retail // May 13, 2024

Adopting Click-and-Mortar™ shopping allows consumers to leverage the best of both online and in-person features to maximize their buying experience. For instance, a shopper might use digital features like price matching and promo codes to get the best deal, finalize their purchase, and make an...

42% of Consumers With Retail Subscriptions Shop Less Often at Physical Stores
Subscription Commerce // November 29, 2023

Retail subscriptions represent a key growth segment for online merchants. Not only do 4 in 10 millennials satisfy most or all their shopping needs via retail subscriptions, but sizeable shares of other generations do as well. The more subscribers rely on their subscriptions, however, the...

Consumers Purchase Groceries at Walmart, Saving Pricier Item Spend for Amazon
Retail // June 30, 2023

Walmart’s strength may lie in its numbers, as its purchase rate far beats its closest competition. In-person shopping beats online in how often consumers shop at the world’s largest two retailers, as consumers turn to Walmart for groceries and Amazon for less frequent but more...

Is In-Store a Breeding Ground for Impulse Buying? 
Retail // June 08, 2023

While the return to in-store experiences always seems to be in flux these days, the value the store brings to the customer remains a question. Is the ability to get a consumer into your store mean you have a customer who has intent? Going further,...

Interviews & Exclusives
42% of Consumers With Retail Subscriptions Shop Less Often at Physical Stores

November 29, 2023
Retail subscriptions represent a key growth segment for online merchants. Not only do 4 in 10 millennials satisfy most or all their shopping needs via retail subscriptions, but sizeable shares of other generations do as well. The more subscribers rely on their subscriptions, however, the more they demand from providers. Consumers who rely most heavily […]

Consumers Purchase Groceries at Walmart, Saving Pricier Item Spend for Amazon

June 30, 2023
Walmart’s strength may lie in its numbers, as its purchase rate far beats its closest competition. In-person shopping beats online in how often consumers shop at the world’s largest two...

UK Retailers Lead US Counterparts in Adopting In-Store Payments Innovations

February 16, 2023
Brick-and-mortar retailers in the United States and the United Kingdom faced stiff competition in 2022 as consumers continued to shop online for everything from essential groceries and health products to...

Grocers Can Win Zillennial Loyalty With In-Store Purchase Options

January 17, 2023
Cross-channel purchasing options may be a key loyalty approach for grocers seeking to capture this bridge generation. Why Is This Important? Capturing this demographic just as they’re gaining financial independence...

Quick Reads
Walmart Expands Test Of Scan & Go To Ten More Locations

August 10, 2017
Retailing giant Walmart is expanding the use of its Scan & Go mobile app, which is already being tested in around 12 stores in Arkansas, Florida, Texas and Georgia, to include ten more brick-and-mortar locations. According to a news report, some of the new locations for the technology that lets customers scan and pay during […]

Alphabet’s Chairman Declares UK Top eCommerce Dog

December 31, 2015
The U.K. is outpacing every other country when it comes to the eCommerce game, at least that is what Eric Schmidt, the executive chairman of Google parent company Alphabet, told...