Independent Grocers Alliance news and trends

IGA CEO: As Restaurants Reopen, Grocers Have To Earn The Consumer’s Business
Retail // March 03, 2021

As consumers turn to digital platforms to fulfill more and more of their basic needs, smaller, more traditional businesses are forced to adjust their operations to meet the changing needs of their base. According to PYMNTS data, 40 percent of consumers shifted their retail shopping...

What The COVID-19 Pandemic Is Revealing About Grocery’s Online, Mobile Future
Commerce Connected // June 08, 2020

Consumers who were once loyal to in-store grocery shopping are now going digital to avoid visiting stores during the pandemic. To keep these "digital shifters" loyal, grocers must replicate their in-store experience on digital channels, says John Ross, CEO of the Independent Grocers Alliance. In...

Keeping Grocery’s ‘Digital Shifters’ Loyal Post Pandemic
Commerce Connected // June 05, 2020

The new coronavirus had an immediate effect on the grocery industry, with many grocers putting safety measures in place to ensure both their employees and customers could interact safely in stores. A growing number of consumers in the United States simply did not take the...

Interviews & Exclusives
As Food Costs Soar, Small Independent Grocers Still Have One Advantage

July 11, 2022
As headwinds ranging from skyrocketing inflation to unprecedented supply chain challenges to a difficult labor market buffet the grocery industry, independents have plenty to be worried about. In the best of times, the little guys have a lot on their plate trying to hold their own against category giants. Now, there is more than ever […]

IGA CEO: As Restaurants Reopen, Grocers Have To Earn The Consumer’s Business

March 03, 2021
As consumers turn to digital platforms to fulfill more and more of their basic needs, smaller, more traditional businesses are forced to adjust their operations to meet the changing needs...