Inflection news and trends

Small Businesses Face Uphill Battle in AI Race, Says AI Index Head
artificial intelligence // April 17, 2024

Small and medium-sized businesses will struggle to keep pace with tech giants like OpenAI in developing their own artificial intelligence (AI) models, according to a new report from Stanford University.  In an interview, Nestor Maslej, the editor in chief of Stanford’s newly released 2024 AI Index...

Microsoft to Open New AI Hub in London
artificial intelligence // April 08, 2024

Microsoft AI, an artificial intelligence (AI)-focused organization formed by the tech company in March, is opening a new AI hub in London. The Microsoft AI London hub will work with teams across Microsoft and its partners, including OpenAI, to create language models, their supporting infrastructure...

Smaller AI Models Challenge GPT-4, Boost Business Accessibility
artificial intelligence // March 13, 2024

Inflection’s recent Pi chatbot upgrade showcases the trend of developing smaller, more cost-effective artificial intelligence (AI) models that make AI more accessible for businesses. The chatbot has been upgraded with the new Inflection 2.5 model, achieving close to OpenAI’s GPT-4’s effectiveness while only using 40% of...

Ex-Google CEO Wants World to Treat AI Like Climate Change
Artificial Intelligence // October 20, 2023

Many people have said many of things about generative artificial intelligence (AI). U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Chairman Gary Gensler said Sunday (Oct. 15) that if AI technology is left unchecked, it will lead to a financial crisis within a decade. Meanwhile, venture capitalist...

Quick Reads
Microsoft to Open New AI Hub in London

April 08, 2024
Microsoft AI, an artificial intelligence (AI)-focused organization formed by the tech company in March, is opening a new AI hub in London. The Microsoft AI London hub will work with teams across Microsoft and its partners, including OpenAI, to create language models, their supporting infrastructure and tooling for foundation models, Mustafa Suleyman, executive vice president […]

White House: Big Tech and AI Companies Pledge Safe Development

July 21, 2023
The Biden Administration has announced voluntary commitments from seven companies to help move toward safe, secure and transparent development of artificial intelligence (AI) technology. The commitments include a range of...