Inflection Ai news and trends

DeepMind Founder to Head Microsoft Consumer AI Group
artificial intelligence // March 19, 2024

Microsoft has reportedly named DeepMind Co-founder Mustafa Suleyman to head its consumer AI unit. The tech giant has also hired most of the staff of Suleyman’s Inflection AI startup, Bloomberg News reported Monday (March 19), which notes that his hiring marks the first time all of Microsoft’s consumer artificial intelligence (AI) business will be...

Nvidia Invests in 35 AI Companies in 2023
artificial intelligence // December 11, 2023

Nvidia, the world’s most valuable chipmaker, has solidified its position as a prominent investor in artificial intelligence (AI) startups this year. The company has participated in 35 deals in 2023, marking a significant increase from the previous year and making it one of the most...

Lawmakers Demand Answers from AI CEOs on Working Conditions
artificial intelligence // September 13, 2023

Sen. Edward J. Markey and Rep. Pramila Jayapal have led several colleagues in demanding answers from CEOs of leading artificial intelligence (AI) companies regarding the working conditions of their data workers. In a letter dated Wednesday (Sept. 13) and addressed to the leaders of nine prominent AI companies, the lawmakers...

Report: Reid Hoffman Reduces Role at Greylock Partners to Focus on AI
artificial intelligence // August 30, 2023

Venture firm Greylock Partners is reportedly experiencing a transition as Reid Hoffman, a prominent figure in the tech industry, scales back his involvement in new deals. Hoffman, a co-founder of LinkedIn and a member of the “PayPal Mafia,” has decided to focus on artificial intelligence (AI), leading to...

Quick Reads
AI Firms Rake in Billions Without Having Products

April 29, 2024
AI may represent a “field of dreams,” but investors are reportedly seeing a potential nightmare. As The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported Monday (April 29), startups in the artificial intelligence (AI) space continue to take in billions of dollars in investments, although many of those businesses have yet to produce a viable product. This has led to […]

DeepMind Founder to Head Microsoft Consumer AI Group

March 19, 2024
Microsoft has reportedly named DeepMind Co-founder Mustafa Suleyman to head its consumer AI unit. The tech giant has also hired most of the staff of Suleyman’s Inflection AI startup, Bloomberg News reported Monday (March 19), which notes...

Nvidia Invests in 35 AI Companies in 2023

December 11, 2023
Nvidia, the world’s most valuable chipmaker, has solidified its position as a prominent investor in artificial intelligence (AI) startups this year. The company has participated in 35 deals in 2023,...

Lawmakers Demand Answers from AI CEOs on Working Conditions

September 13, 2023
Sen. Edward J. Markey and Rep. Pramila Jayapal have led several colleagues in demanding answers from CEOs of leading artificial intelligence (AI) companies regarding the working conditions of their data workers. In a letter dated...