Insightsoftware news and trends

How Data Guides A New Era For The ERP
B2B Payments // March 04, 2020

The enterprise resource planning (ERP) system has been a staple of corporate finance operations for years, acting as a central repository of data and a hub to initiate a range of processes, from accounting to procurement. But the ERP of today doesn’t look like it...

insightsoftware Acquires Longview Solutions
B2B Payments // February 20, 2020

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) and enterprise performance management (EPM) company insightsoftware has announced its acquisition of financial planning and tax software provider Longview, according to a Thursday (Feb. 20) release.  The move is meant to bolster insightsoftware’s financial planning capabilities on a corporate level. The terms of...

How ERP Tech Can Empower — Not Combat — The Notorious Spreadsheet
B2B Payments // November 12, 2018

Chief financial officers (CFOs) often have a love-hate relationship with their enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. They’re a staple of corporate finance and, as of recent years, are accelerating their shift into the cloud. As such, the ERP system can now play a more flexible...