Internet Access news and trends

Amazon Launches First Prototypes for Global Satellite Internet Network
Amazon // October 06, 2023

Amazon launched the first prototypes for its Project Kuiper satellite internet system Friday (Oct. 6), moving forward in its plan to create a global satellite internet network. “The launch today started a new phase of our Protoflight mission, and there’s a long way to go, but it’s an...

Sam Bankman-Fried Attorneys Protested Lack of Internet Access in Jail
Cryptocurrency // August 15, 2023

Before FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried was sent to jail, his attorneys reportedly argued that he would have difficulty accessing evidence and materials for his trial without internet access. The attorneys said this in a letter sent to the judge before Bankman-Fried was moved from the...

FCC Offers Broadband Subsidies to Narrow ‘Digital Divide’
Connected Economy // August 06, 2023

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) says it wants to make broadband service more affordable. To that end, the commission last week announced plans to offer $75-per-month subsidies for lower-income households in some “high-cost” parts of the U.S. The plan, announced last week, is being run...

Alphabet and Bharti Airtel Deploying Laser Internet Technology in India
Technology // June 26, 2023

Alphabet is reportedly using laser internet technology to improve access in remote areas of India. The parent company of Google has a project called Taara that developed the technology and is now working with Indian telecommunications and internet provider Bharti Airtel, which will deploy it on a...

Interviews & Exclusives
What Serving The Internet’s ‘Underserved’ Means For Payments

January 17, 2020
These days, it seems like you can hardly go a minute without hearing about the rise of 5G, the spread of facial recognition or how friction is being removed from all types of payment methods. But what you don’t hear about as often — at least not in most payments-and-commerce circles — is the need […]

Quick Reads
Amazon Launches First Prototypes for Global Satellite Internet Network

October 06, 2023
Amazon launched the first prototypes for its Project Kuiper satellite internet system Friday (Oct. 6), moving forward in its plan to create a global satellite internet network. “The launch today started a new phase of our Protoflight mission, and there’s a long way to go, but it’s an exciting milestone all the same,” Rajeev Badyal, vice president of technology […]

Sam Bankman-Fried Attorneys Protested Lack of Internet Access in Jail

August 15, 2023
Before FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried was sent to jail, his attorneys reportedly argued that he would have difficulty accessing evidence and materials for his trial without internet access. The attorneys...

FCC Offers Broadband Subsidies to Narrow ‘Digital Divide’

August 06, 2023
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) says it wants to make broadband service more affordable. To that end, the commission last week announced plans to offer $75-per-month subsidies for lower-income households...

Alphabet and Bharti Airtel Deploying Laser Internet Technology in India

June 26, 2023
Alphabet is reportedly using laser internet technology to improve access in remote areas of India. The parent company of Google has a project called Taara that developed the technology and is...