Iphone App news and trends

IoT Startup Bricks User’s Gadget After Bad Review
Internet of Things // April 07, 2017

Every once in a while, a story comes along that is so purely a product of its time, it’s almost transcendent. This is most definitely the case with the recent Garadget “controversy” first brought to our attention by Arstechnica. It created a bit of a...

Starbucks iOS App Adds Gifting Via iMessage, Apple Pay
Mobile Commerce // April 05, 2017

Starbucks is moving ahead full force in its offerings when it comes to technology enhancements. Just recently, the company announced its plans for a mobile-only ordering store in its Seattle headquarters, and now it’s bumped it up another notch. Gift cards are the last physical frontier...

Quick Reads
True Gault Launches Custom High Heel Creation App

July 28, 2017
The high tech shoe cobbler is in. Shoes are arguably one of the most difficult items to buy online. Finding the right style and fit can have people exchanging shoes back and forth for a while, which can be an annoyance. New York-based startup company True Gault is pushing the boundaries for high heel shoe […]

IoT Startup Bricks User’s Gadget After Bad Review

April 07, 2017
Every once in a while, a story comes along that is so purely a product of its time, it’s almost transcendent. This is most definitely the case with the recent...

Starbucks iOS App Adds Gifting Via iMessage, Apple Pay

April 05, 2017
Starbucks is moving ahead full force in its offerings when it comes to technology enhancements. Just recently, the company announced its plans for a mobile-only ordering store in its Seattle headquarters,...