James Butland news and trends

Banks Invest in Digital Differentiation to Remain Relevant
Digital Banking // March 26, 2024

If video killed the radio star, then what has digitization done to the banking landscape? Well, some observers believe it may have just given the industry a new lease on life. After all, when viewed in light of the financial services sector’s historical association with...

Moving B2B Payments Online Makes World a Much Smaller Place, Says Mangopay
B2B Payments // January 23, 2024

Anyone who has ever conducted business knows the pains that traditional B2B payment modalities bring. But there’s a digital renaissance underway, as firms on both sides of the transaction look to modernize their antiquated processes. “Businesses are becoming much more aware and much more savvy...

Interviews & Exclusives
Banks Invest in Digital Differentiation to Remain Relevant

March 26, 2024
If video killed the radio star, then what has digitization done to the banking landscape? Well, some observers believe it may have just given the industry a new lease on life. After all, when viewed in light of the financial services sector’s historical association with in-person brick-and-mortar establishments, digitalization has led to a transformation of […]

Moving B2B Payments Online Makes World a Much Smaller Place, Says Mangopay

January 23, 2024
Anyone who has ever conducted business knows the pains that traditional B2B payment modalities bring. But there’s a digital renaissance underway, as firms on both sides of the transaction look...