Jirav news and trends

Jirav Raises $8.3M For Enterprise Finance Software
B2B Payments // July 23, 2020

Jirav, which works in finance software, has reported $8.3 million in a Series A funding round toward speedier, more efficient enterprise software, according to CPA Practice Advisor. Martin Zych, the CEO and co-founder of Jirav, said older enterprise software is “usually clunky, difficult to use,...

Aprio Integrates Jirav Data Analytics For SMB Accounting
B2B Payments // June 19, 2019

Aprio Cloud and Jirav are teaming up to develop small business accounting solutions aimed at providing real-time data visibility to small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) and their advisors. In a press release, cloud accounting firm Aprio Cloud, formerly known as HPC, revealed its deal to...