John Rainey news and trends

Amazon and Walmart Will Bring Old Retail Industry Fights Into New Year 

December 30, 2022
PayPal CFO Sees Positive Future For Bitcoin
Bitcoin // February 21, 2018

PayPal’s chief financial officer, John Rainey, predicted that cryptocurrency will become a popular payment method in the future. During a sweeping interview with The Wall Street Journal over the weekend, Rainey said that the current volatility with bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies makes it impossible to...

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PayPal CFO Sees Positive Future For Bitcoin

February 21, 2018
PayPal’s chief financial officer, John Rainey, predicted that cryptocurrency will become a popular payment method in the future. During a sweeping interview with The Wall Street Journal over the weekend, Rainey said that the current volatility with bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies makes it impossible to be a reliable currency for purchase. After all, merchants can […]