Journalism news and trends

Apple’s ‘Web Eraser’ Sparks Concerns Among UK Newspapers
Apple // May 12, 2024

British newspapers have voiced concerns about Apple’s new ad-blocking tool. The news organizations argue that this so-called “web-eraser” threatens the financial stability of the journalism world, the Financial Times (FT) reported Sunday (May 12), citing a letter from the papers to Apple.  The “web eraser” is...

Google Halts Links to California News Sites
Google // April 14, 2024

Google is pulling links to California news sites ahead of pending news-focused legislation. That bill, dubbed the California Journalism Preservation Act (CJPA), would require Google to pay for providing news content. Jaffer Zaidi, Google’s vice president of global news partnerships, said in a Friday (April 12)...

Publishers Meet With OpenAI to Discuss Licensing Content
artificial intelligence // December 29, 2023

Several news media publishers have reportedly met with OpenAI to discuss licensing their content for use in training that firm’s artificial intelligence (AI) models. The publishers meeting with OpenAI included Wall Street Journal owner News Corp., Dotdash Meredith owner IAC, USA Today owner Gannett and...

Report: Google Pitches ‘Unsettling’ AI Journalism Tool to Newspapers
artificial intelligence // July 20, 2023

Google is reportedly pitching newspapers a tool that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to craft articles. The tech giant has met with executives from The New York Times, that newspaper reported Thursday (July 20), as well as with The Washington Post and Wall Street Journal owner News Corp about...

Quick Reads
Apple’s ‘Web Eraser’ Sparks Concerns Among UK Newspapers

May 12, 2024
British newspapers have voiced concerns about Apple’s new ad-blocking tool. The news organizations argue that this so-called “web-eraser” threatens the financial stability of the journalism world, the Financial Times (FT) reported Sunday (May 12), citing a letter from the papers to Apple.  The “web eraser” is part of the artificial intelligence (AI) privacy feature in Apple’s […]

Google Halts Links to California News Sites

April 14, 2024
Google is pulling links to California news sites ahead of pending news-focused legislation. That bill, dubbed the California Journalism Preservation Act (CJPA), would require Google to pay for providing news content....

Publishers Meet With OpenAI to Discuss Licensing Content

December 29, 2023
Several news media publishers have reportedly met with OpenAI to discuss licensing their content for use in training that firm’s artificial intelligence (AI) models. The publishers meeting with OpenAI included...

Report: Google Pitches ‘Unsettling’ AI Journalism Tool to Newspapers

July 20, 2023
Google is reportedly pitching newspapers a tool that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to craft articles. The tech giant has met with executives from The New York Times, that newspaper reported Thursday (July 20),...